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Wado RyuTerminology
MUSUBI DACHI - Attention stance UKE - Block, or, defend(er). Also, receiver (of energy, or ki)
HACHIJI DACHI - Ready stance GEDAN UKE - Low block
ZENKUTSU DACHI - Forward fighting stance SOTO UKE - Inside-to-outside block
NO TSUKOMI DACHI - Forward lunging stance JODAN UKE - High block
GYAKUTSUKI DACHI - Reverse-punch stance SHUTO UKE - Knife-edge of the hand block
GYAKUTSUKI - NO TSUKOMI DACHI - Lunging reverse-punch stance TETSUI UKE - Hammer-fist block
SHEIKO DACHI - Horse stance UCHI UKE - Outside-to-inside front forearm bloc
NEKO ASHI DACHI - Cat leg stance UDE UKE - Outside-to-inside forearm block
MAHANMI NEKO ASHI DACHI - Profile (or half-view) cat-leg stance EMPI UKE - Elbow block
SHOMEN NEKO ASHI DACHI - Front cat-leg stance KAKAE UKE - Circular, pulling block, emphasizing the shote, or heel of the hand
HEISOKU DACHI - Narrow stance (heels and toes together) URAKEN UKE - Block with the back of the knuckles
SHIZENTAI DACHI - Natural stance

KOKUTSU DACHI - Rearward lunging stance (sometimes called, gyakutsuki no tsukomi dachi)
NAIFANCHI DACHI - Modified horse stance (feet turned inward)
SEISHAN DACHI - Hourglass stance


MAE GERI - Front snap kick TSUKI - Fist strike, punch
MAEWASHI GERI - Roundhouse kick JUNTSUKI - Stepping front-hand punch
YOKO GERI - Side kick (striking surface: ashi sokuto, or, knife-edge of the foot) JUNTSUKI NO TSUKOMI - Stepping front-hand lunging punch
HAKU GERI - Inward crescent kick (striking surface: usually the instep-to-pad of the foot) GYAKUTSUKI - Reverse punch
MAE TOBI GERI - Flying front kick (usually executed with kekome-thrust-) GYAKUTSUKI NO TSUKOMI - Lunging reverse, or back-hand punch
USHIRO GERI - Back, or, rearward kick (striking surface: heel of the foot) URAKEN - Back-fist
FUMIKOMI GERI - Stomping kick (Usually executed as gedan yoko geri) SHUTO - Knife-edge of the hand
HIZA - Knee strike TETSUI - Hammer-fist
  TATE - Vertical-fist (or vertical-hand)

SHOTE - Palm-heel of the hand
NUKITE - spear-hand
KENTSUKI - knuckle strike
HAESHU - Open, back of the hand strike
HAITO - Ridge-hand
EMPI - Elbow strike

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