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Tournament Rules

1.    These rules and regulations have been adopted for use at the U.S. Eastern Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation Tournament (CT Patterson Memorial Championships) and are independent of rules prescribed by WKF, NASKA, RSKC or any other sport karate organization. Throughout this document, the United States Eastern Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation may be referred to as the USEWRKDF or as the Federation. The President of the Federation reserves the authority to amend/rescind any, all, or part of these rules.


2.    CENTER REFEREE: The Center Referee must be certified/approved by the Federation President, Arbitrator, Roaming Judge, or Tournament Committee.


3.     COMPETITOR:  Each competitor must present him/herself to the referee suitably attired with proper uniform (Rule #9), equipment (Rule #24), and physically prepared to compete. If he/she is not prepared to compete as deemed by the center referee, the competitor may be disqualified.


4.     ELIGIBILITY RULE:  Each competitor must be a member in good standing of the USEWRKDF or have specific permission from the president of the federation to participate. 8th Kyu-1st Kyu and first to fifth dan will be allowed to compete in individual kata and kumite divisions. Open Championship Kata, Team Kumite, and Kihon Kumite Divisions are open for 1st -7th Dan.


5.    DELAY OF TIME PENALTY: If a competitor is not present when his/her name is called for competition, he/she has one minute to the answer or face disqualification.


6.    RANK RULE:  A competitor must compete at the highest belt level that he/she has earned in Wado-Ryu karate. A competitor can never compete in a division of which he/she has not earned the rank of the division.  Exception to the RANK RULE:  Competitors who have earned a black belt rank in another style of karate but have started the practice of Wado-Ryu karate at a Federation dojo should have their instructor request that they be allowed to enter in the black belt division.  This is on a case by case basis and should be ruled on by the Federation President, arbitrator, roaming judge, or Tournament Committee prior to the beginning of competition.


7.    PROOF OF AGE RULE:  All competitors must have proof of age. If there is a legitimate reason to question a competitor's age, he/she must present a document such as a birth certificate or driver's license to prove his/her age.


8.    LEGAL AGE RULE:  An adult competitor shall compete in the age division that corresponds to their age the day of the competition. A youth competitor shall compete only in age division that corresponds to their age the day of competition. The exception is 16yo and 17yo may compete in the Kihon Kumite Division.

9.    UNIFORM:  All competitors must wear a complete (top and bottom), clean traditional white karate gi (uniform) in good condition. The U.S. Eastern Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation patch should be worn on the left chest area of the gi. School or team patches are allowed on the upper sleeve or back of the gi top. Should the uniform become excessively torn or bloodied during a sparring match, it must be replaced before the match will continue. Not doing so may cause the offending competitor to forfeit his/her match. The competitor's appropriate color belt must be worn in competition. All uniforms must be worn with sleeves that reach at least to the middle of the forearm. Males and females may wear a plain white t-shirt or tank top under the uniform top. No wearing of jewelry or chewing gum is allowed in the competition.


10. COMPETITOR RESPONSIBILITIES:  It is the responsibility of the competitor to know the rules and be ready for competition when called to do so. He/she must be suitably attired and at the appropriate ring when competition begins. Three calls will be made for competition at ringside. If the competitor is not at his/her ring ready to compete when competition begins Delay of Time may apply. (See rule #5.)




11.   NUMBER OF OFFICIALS: Five officials are required in the adult black belt kata divisions. A minimum of three judges are required in the junior black belt and under black belt divisions, although five may be used.


12.   ORDER OF COMPETITION:  Once the final call for the kata division has been made at ringside, the competition cards will be collected and shuffled thoroughly. The competitor cards will then be drawn randomly for the order of competition. Competitors who arrive after the competitors are placed in order but prior to the first competitor entering the ring, will be placed first in the lineup for the division. Once the first competitor has entered the ring no additions may be made.


13.   In division with 5 or more competitors, the first three competitors will perform before any scores are awarded. After the third competitor is finished, the first competitor will be called to come back for scoring followed by the second and third competitors. This is to give the judges a sampling of the quality of the competitors. All remaining competitors in the division will be scored immediately after completing their kata and judged in comparison to the first three competitors. If a division has 4 or less competitors, each competitor will be scored immediately upon completion of his/her kata.


14.   In the youth kata divisions. If there are 16 or more competitors, the division will split by size or rank. Once the new divisions are assigned, they will continue following rule #13.




15.   MANDATORY KATA:  The following katas are mandatory choices from which each designated belt colored competitor must select. In the USEWRKDF tournament there will be no exceptions to these choices:


·         White belt 9th kyu Kihon No Kata Ichi or Ni (basic kata) or Pinan Nidan

·         Gold belt 8th kyu (Same as above)

·         Orange belt 7th kyu Pinan Nidan or Pinan Shodan 

·         Blue belt 6th kyu Pinan Shodan or Pinan Sandan

·         Purple belt 5th kyu Pinan Sandan or Pinan Yondan

·         Green belt 4th kyu Pinan Yondan or Pinan Godan

·         Brown belt 3rd-1st kyu Pinan Godan, Naihanshi or Kushanku

·         Black belt 1st-5th dan Naihanshi, Kushanku, Chinto or Seishan


16.   SCORING RANGES OF KATA:  USEWRKDF will only have one scoring range for all belts. The scoring range will be 8.00 to 10.00 points (using the two decimal points). When using 5 judges, the scores are tabulated by dropping the high and low score, then add the remaining three scores for a total score. If only three Judges are being used no scores will be dropped and all three scores added for a total score. When asked by the Center Referee, all judges will present their scorecards to be read clearly by the scorekeeper. The competitor may check his or her score after the division is completed if it does not disrupt the division.


17.   PRESENTATION OF KATA: Before entering the ring, each competitor will rei (bow) then enter approximately halfway into the kata area and rei again towards the judges. The competitor should then clearly announce his/her competition number, which will have been previously assigned by the head official. Announcement of the official kata name by the competitor is optional.  Alternate methods of assigning competition order may be used in junior divisions to ensure a competitor is not missed or skipped.


18.   STARTING A KATA OVER:  If a competitor starts his/her kata for reasons outside their control, he/she will be able to restart without penalty. If he/she has to restart a kata because of the competitor’s fault, Officials will score as though there was not a mistake, but the center referee will instruct the scorekeeper to subtract 1.0 point from the competitor's total score for each time they start over. An adult competitor can only start over one time for scoring. A child competitor may start over twice.


19.   TIES:  To break ties, the high and low scores will be added back in. If after adding the high and low, there is still a tie, they must perform again to break the tie. They may perform the same kata or a different one as long as it is in the mandatory kata list (see above). If there is a second tie, the judges must be asked on the center judge's command to point to the competitor who they feel should win. All judges must make a decision for only one competitor. If three judges are being used a re-run is automatic.





20.   Number of Officials:  Three judges are required in all individual kumite divisions, although it is recommended five judges be used in adult black belt kumite. Five judges (1 Ring Head judge and 4 corner judges) are required in Team Kumite Divisions.


21.   The Center Referee has vested/sole authority for the following:


A.      Starting and stopping the match.

B.      Final decision regarding the score of the match.

C.      To issue/call for a vote on penalty/rule infractions. (Any warning or penalty point must be made prior to making a call for a point).

D.      Issuing time-outs.

E.       To disqualify any competitor that exhibits disrespect and/or unsportsmanlike conduct toward any official, other competitor or spectator. (This exception also applies to kata competition.)


22.   CALLS OFFICIALS (CENTER REFEREE AND JUDGES) MAY MAKE:  When the center referee believes there has been a significant exchange of techniques, or when signaled to do so by a corner judge, he/she shall call out the word, "matte" or "stop" in a loud voice. (Judges who believe there has been a significant exchange shall yell "Call"). The center referee shall then return the competitors to their starting marks and addresses the judges by saying, "judge’s call". All judges and the center referee cast their votes simultaneously and assertively in the following manner:


·         Point Calling - When signaled by the center referee, each official immediately points to the competitor who he/she believes to have scored the point. 

·         No Point Scored - An official crosses his/her wrist at waist level to indicate that he/she believes that a point was not scored.

·         Did Not See If A Point Was Scored (No See)- The official holds his/her hand over his/her eyes indicating that he/she could not clearly see whether a point was scored or not. This signal has the same effect as saying "no point", but it indicates to the referee, competitors and spectators that no point was not called.

·         Clash - Officials make a motion as though they are hitting both fists together, indicating that both competitors attacked but with no decisive point scored. This call equals a no point call.

·         Penalty Point - The official points the index finger of one hand towards the offended competitor while holding the pointing hand in the palm of the free hand.  (The official points at the competitor receiving the point.) 6) Disqualification - A disqualification vote is taken separately from any other vote. When a disqualification vote is asked for, the referee will say, "Judges call". The judges will then point to the competitor who is to be disqualified (in the same manner as described above) and make a circular motion with both hands. If an official does not feel the competitor should be disqualified, he/she signals by crossing the wrists at waist level.


23.   LATE CALLS: All officials should make their calls at the same time. If in the opinion of the center referee, the corner judges are making late calls intentionally, the referee will disqualify the call. Noise making it difficult for the judges to hear the center referee and the honest mistakes such as pointing at the wrong competitor should be taken into consideration not to disqualify the call.


24.   PROTEST:  A competitor has the right to protest an infraction of the rules or if he/she believes a mistake was made (not a judgment call). To protest, he/she should first let the Center Referee know he/she believes there has been a mistake. The Center Referee will summon the arbitrator to the ring to render a decision if the Center Referee or roaming judge cannot settle the protest to the competitor's satisfaction. All protests must be made in an orderly, proper, and sportsmanlike manner. All protests must be made immediately. Protests are not allowed once competition has resumed. A competitor may be penalized or even disqualified if he/she is protesting improperly or without proper cause.


25.   REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR KUMITE (SPARRING):  Approved headgear; hand and foot pads, mouthpieces and groin cups (for male competitors only) are mandatory for all competitors in kumite divisions. The competitor's equipment will be checked and if it is deemed unsafe, he/she will be asked to change the equipment before he/she can compete.  Hand Pads: A soft padded surface must cover all striking area of the hand and wrist. Foot Pads: A soft padded surface must cover the instep, sides, toes, ankle and the heel of the foot. Head Gear: The forehead, sides and back of the head must be covered by a soft padded surface. All equipment must be in a good state of repair and must be free of heavy taping, tears or any other repairs that may cause injury. A protest by a competitor about the legality of any Safety Equipment must be made prior to competition beginning. The Center Official will call for a ruling before continuing.


26.   CONTACT:

Adult under belt divisions, all junior divisions (including junior black belt).  Contact is not mandatory to score. A legal technique stopped approximately two inches away without being blocked is eligible for scoring.  Note: Although not required, light touch is permissible to legal target areas except the face or face shield.

         Adult Black Belt Divisions. Contact is mandatory to score.

FOR ALL DIVISIONS: If the head or body of any competitor is visibly moved or blood is drawn as a direct result of contact, a warning will be issued to the offending competitor.  Any egregious or intentional display of excessive contact may result in an automatic penalty point to the offended competitor or immediate disqualification of the offending competitor without prior warning.


27.   THE RING:  The size of the fighting and form rings will be approximately 19' x 19'. Starting lines should be marked approximately three feet apart in the middle of the ring. Additionally, each ring should be posted with a visible ring number.


28.   WEIGHING-IN: A competitor found intentionally competing in the incorrect weight division may be disqualified. It is the competitor’s responsibility to make the weight.


29.   ORDER OF COMPETITION: Once the final call for the kumite division has been made at ringside, the division is ready to be set up. The competition cards should be collected and counted (if competition cards are not used, competitors are counted) to see if byes are needed. If byes are needed, they will be picked randomly. Bye charts will be issued. Matches should always be organized randomly, but certain allowances should be given to competitors from the same school in the first round of competition if possible.


30.   In the youth kumite divisions. If there are 16 or more competitors, the division will split by size or rank. Once the new divisions are assigned, they will continue following rule #29.


31.   LENGTH OF MATCH:  Two-minute running time unless three points are scored before time has expired. 


32.   MAJORITY VOTE:  Points are awarded by a majority vote of all judges. The majority of judges do not have to agree on the same technique being scored, only that a point was scored. 


33.   WHAT IS A POINT:  A point is a controlled legal sport karate technique delivered by a competitor who has at least one foot in the ring (rule #34). The competitor must also execute the technique with the proper focus/control (See rule #26 for contact) and maintain balance before, during, and after. To score, all hand techniques must be made with a fully closed fist with the exception of ridge hand strikes. Pads must remain completely on at all times. Intentionally wearing hand or foot pads partially off in order to gain reach may be grounds for penalty points to be issued or disqualification.   Diving or falling for any reason while attempting to score invalidate the point. Eyes must remain on the opponent (no blind techniques). 


34.   OUT-OF-BOUNDS:  A competitor is out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. An out of bounds competitor cannot score a point while out of bounds. In bounds competitor can score on an out of bounds competitor if the center referee has not called stop. 


35.   END OF TIME: At the end of time the time keeper will throw the end of time bag in the ring and yell “Time” to signal the Center Referee that time has expired. However, action continues until the Center Referee calls “Time”.  Any offensive action prior to the Center Referee calling “Time” is eligible for a point. Any offensive action after the Center Referee calls “Time” is grounds for penalization (or penalty call).


36.   POINT VALUES AND WINNER DETERMINATION:  All techniques that score will be awarded one point. All penalty points awarded will be awarded one point. The competitor who first earns three points or is ahead at the end of the two-minute period is declared the winner. If a match is tied at the end of two minutes, a sudden victory (first person to score a point) overtime period will determine the match.


37.   LEGAL TARGET/ AREAS:  Entire head and face (see rule #26 for face contact), ribs, chest, abdomen, collarbone and kidneys. 


38.   ILLEGAL TARGET AREAS:  Spine, back of neck, throat, eyes, sides of the neck, groin, legs, knees and back. 


39.   NON-TARGET AREAS:  Hips, shoulders, buttocks, arms, and feet. 


40.   LEGAL TECHNIQUES:  Legal techniques are all controlled sport karate techniques, except those listed as illegal. 


41.   ILLEGAL TECHNIQUES:  Axe Kicks, head butts, hair pulls, bites, scratches, elbows, knees, pushing/shoving, eye attacks of any kind, open hand techniques other than ridge hand, take downs, ground fighting, any stomps or kicks to the head of a downed competitor, slapping, grabbing for more than one second, uncontrolled or blind techniques, throws, and any other uncontrolled dangerous techniques that are deemed unsafe in sport karate.


42.   GRABBING:  A competitor may grab the uniform of his/her opponent for one second in an attempt to score immediately with a sport karate technique after which time he/she must release the uniform. 


43.   SWEEPS:  Sweeps to off-balance an opponent may be used if immediately followed by a legal sport karate kick or strike. Sweeps can only be executed to the back/side of the lead foot on the padded surface. A sweep must be deemed a proper sweep and not a kick to be legal. Sweeps that take down an opponent may be penalized. A sweep may never be executed on the supporting leg of a kicking competitor.  


44.   RESETTING COMPETITORS: If any part of a competitor besides the feet touch the ground the Center Referee should call “Stop/Matte” and reset the match. If due to action, a competitor has both feet out of the ring the other competitor should be given a chance to immediately score. If no attack is made the competitors will be reset.


45.   WARNINGS AND PENALTIES: One warning is given for breaking the rules before a penalty point is awarded. However, if the severity of the first rules violation is deemed by the center referee too severe, a penalty point can be issued immediately. Only two penalty points will be issued, any infraction of the rules afterwards is automatic disqualification.


46.   Other Cause for Penalization:  Attacking illegal and non-target areas, using illegal techniques, running out of the ring to avoid fighting, falling to the floor to avoid fighting, continuing after being ordered to stop, excessive stalling, blind, negligent or reckless attacks, uncontrolled techniques, failure to protect oneself, showing unsportsmanlike behavior by the competitor (show-boating), excessive contact, and delay of time are examples of possible penalization.  


47.   DISQUALIFICATION: Requires a majority vote by all officials, unless disqualification is automatic or falls under rule #21(E). No entry fees will be refunded to a disqualified competitor.


NOTE: If, in the opinion of the referee and/or the medical personnel, a competitor cannot continue because of an injury caused by an illegal or penalized attack executed by his/her competitor, the offending competitor shall be automatically disqualified.



48.   Wrong Division:  If any competitor competes in a division he/she does not qualify to compete in due to age, weight, rank, gender, style, etc., he/she will be disqualified.


49.   COACHING:  1) No competitor may receive direct technical coaching during a match from an instructor, teammate or spectator.  2) Never, at any time, can a coach, instructor, teammate or spectator enter the ring without the center referee's permission. 3) No abusive, violent, disrespectful or jeering comments will be allowed from coaches, instructors, teammates or spectators.  4) Coaches, instructors, teammates or spectators cannot ask for a time out. Only the competitor may ask for a time out. 5) Coaches, instructors, teammates or spectators can never, at any time interfere with the proper running of the ring or the decisions of the judges.


Special Competitions


50.   TEAM KUMITE:  There shall be one referee and four corner judges for this event. Three judges/referee must point to a competitor for a point to be awarded during a call. The team kumite competition shall be for the USEWRKDF Wado Cup. This trophy shall be held by the winning dojo and returned to the Federation tournament each succeeding year. Each team shall be comprised of 1 black belt (1st-7th Dan), 1 Brown belt and 1 Green belt or below consisting of adult men of any weight or age.   Each competition will start with the White-Green belt and work up to the black belt. The first two matches will be one minute and the first competitor to reach three points or ahead at end of time will win and end the match. These scores will be recorded and will be cumulative for the team. The third match is also one minute but has no point limit. If there is a tie at the end of the three matches, the competitors of the third match will compete for a sudden victory.  In the event of a disqualification during one of the first two matches the score will be recorded as 3 - 0, 0 going to the disqualified competitor¹s team. In the event of disqualification during the third match, the disqualified competitor¹s team loses by disqualification regardless of the cumulative score. 


51.   KIHON KATA:  There shall be Five Senior Dan officials which include the Head Ring Judge. Teams will compete by luck of the draw, best of two continues to next round.  The Head Ring judge will give the score keeper a number between 1 and the amount of teams competing, then ask the team leaders of each team to choose a number.  Each team will be place in the order of closest to the number given to the Score Keeper.  If there is an odd number of teams then one team will be given a bye to the next round.  To determine the by, the team furthest away from the number given to the score keeper will get the by. Once teams are placed in order of competition the teams will line up around the ring.  The judges will be setting facing the middle of the ring with head judge in the middle of the other 4 judges.  First team will be called to compete.  The team will come into the ring half way and bow to the judges then face each other bow to each other and run the kata.  Attacker on the left of judges and the defender on the right of the judges.  Once completed the kata will be ran again with the defender now the attacker and the attacker now the defender.  Once this is done the team will bow to each other and bow to the judges.  Then exit the ring.  The next team will enter the ring when called and follow the bow in process and execute the kata as the first team.  Once finish the second team will stay in the ring and the first team will be called into the ring.  The Head Ring judge will either say “call” or blow a whistle and each judge will give a hand signal to the winning team.  The winning team will exit the ring and stand by for second set of elimination.  The other team is complete and no longer in the match.  The competition will continue by twos until the first set of eliminations are completed.  Second set of eliminations will continue by twos and if needed there will be a third set of eliminations.  Eliminations will be conducted until one team is left. If there is an odd number of teams in the other eliminations then a bye will be given to the defending championship team from the previous year if last year’s champions are not competing the team that comes closest to a number the Head Ring judge gives the score keeper.  That team will be presented a trophy cup by the Head Ring judge.  For each round elimination, the following Kihon Kata will be ran; first eliminations Kihon Kata 1, second elimination Kihon 2, third eliminations Kihon 3, and if needed forth eliminations Kihon Kata 4.



a.       KATA – Kata will be ran in the same fashion as the Kihon Kata. Eliminations every 2 competitors.  Elimination katas well be the following, first round elimination is Naifanchi, Round 2 Chinto, Round 3 Seishan and Round 4, Any Wado-Ryu Kata competitor’s choice.

                                                               i.      5 Judges will watch two competitors perform kata separately and then indicate the better of the two which will advance to next round.  If there is a bye it will go to the defending champion but if not present then luck of the draw. Judging criteria is the same as the regular tournament divisions.

b.      KUMITE – First Place Awards only, separate Divisions for Men and Women. Men and women 18 and Older, any Dan grade. Single Eliminations, Luck of the Draw, If bye is necessary it will go to defending champion if present.  Award to First Place Only.  Regular kumite rules as in the tournament.



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